Wednesday, September 3, 2014

They're Gone!

The first day of school came and went and boy, was it a doozy!  Marcus had to choke down his last bites of breakfast as he ran out the door because his ride came early.  We took a quick picture and he was gone leaving me to stress if I had remembered to pack everything he needed.  Ethan is always a slowpoke getting ready so getting him out the door was another whirlwind.  And then I was only down to two boys.  I let them watch their favorite cartoon while I tried to distract myself from worrying over Marcus at his first day of middle school.  I walked into his room to put something away and got teary-eyed.  So embarrassing!  But it's like a got a glimpse of life eight years down the road when he moves out for the first time and basically he's gone forever and it made me sad.  But I quickly got over it.  My day was so busy after that I never had time to be sad.
Eventually Marcus got home, then Ethan, and after a special snack of cheesecake to celebrate the first day back, we were off to soccer practice.  As soon as practice ended we raced home and I dished up the crock pot dinner I'd prepared earlier that day for the kids to eat in the van on the way to scouts.  We got home from scouts and it was showers and bedtime.  Wow, it was busy!  During all this I miraculously managed to wash, fold, and put away 7 loads of laundry, wash and vacuum the van {it is now free from sand thank you very much}, take Landon to his preschool open house, and make dinner.  Having two less boys at home was like wind beneath my wings.  And I rock.
Who needs a daughter when you have a fashion conscious son!  Lookin' good for his first day of 5th grade and middle school.  Favorite part of the day:  getting his locker
Off to third grade and serious as ever.  Favorite part of the day: recess!
Off to another year of preschool instead of kindergarten so he won't be the youngest/shortest kid in his grade.
Don't know what this pose is but he thought he looked cool. 

I caved and let him get a nerdy backpack.  He loves it so I couldn't say no. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Gage has the same one! He almost passed out at the store from sheer happiness so I couldn't say no ;) Also Gage is also a late summer birthday and we've talked about holding him back. But he's a giant and then he and Bennett would be back to back in grades which I don't love the idea of.......


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