Wednesday, December 10, 2014

That One Time I Totally Rocked

I'm a procrastinator, especially the busier I get.  Saturday night our ward was having a "Night in Bethlehem" Christmas party.  Everyone was supposed to dress in appropriate clothing and the kids were also participating in the Nativity.  I was given a wise man costume for Marcus and an unfinished robe for Ethan to wear.  All I needed to do was sew a couple seams and both boys would be good to go.  I had four days to get it done so naturally I pulled out my sewing machine a half hour before the party started and got to work.  After seeing how easy Ethan's little poncho thing came together I realized if I hurried I could whip up costumes for Landon and Parker.  Using leftover fabric {from the nativity costumes I slaved over for hours and hours as a gift for my dad} I cut slits for arms, sewed across the shoulder and then up the back and it was done.  So simple!  My mom would've been proud of me for getting all domestic, after rolling her eyes at my last-minute efforts of course.  Most times my procrastination doesn't work out so well but fortunately this wasn't one of those times.
shepherd boy

wise man

shepherd boy with his trusty duct-taped staff

drinking water from the well

Bean checking out the flat bread and cheeses

Aren't the booths amazing?!


Your thoughts?