Thursday, December 4, 2014

What? It's December Already?!

Holy smokes!  Time has run away from me.  We only have half our Christmas decorations up, I haven't ordered our Christmas cards, haven't started shopping, I'm still painting the wooden ornaments for our 25 days of Christ {more on this later}and the list could go on and on.  Obviously I'm choosing to blog instead of accomplishing something.
I am not my mother's daughter.  She was so organized and I am so not organized.  I meant to snap a quick picture of Marcus and Ethan at scouts the other night because they finally had all their correct scout uniform stuff on and they looked so cute.  Don't worry, they've only been waiting for over 7 months for me to get it!  Don't ask if I've sown any of their badges on yet because I haven't.
But things aren't going totally crazy around here, I'm just behind.  We've been busy with lots of house maintenance.  Besides having the driveway resealed and a drainage pipe installed, we reseeded the lawn, painted the den, master bedroom, and bathroom.  Now we only have to paint the boys' bedroom and then we will have painted every square inch of wall in our entire house.  That's a lot of painting!  It looks so much better and now that we've repainted everything with a satin finish I can actually wipe down our walls and remove the dirty hand prints.  It's such a good feeling.  Too bad we only have nine months left here to enjoy our hard labor! 
Finished!  We named our bed Tax Return
Finished, well I still need to buy new towels but whatever. 

On top of all that, when the weather cooperates I rake the endless amounts of leaves that fall in our yard.  All the leaf raking almost makes me wish we lived in the desert.  Almost.  The lawn only stays leaf-free for a day or two and then we have to start all over

Oh, and while I'm playing catch-up, let me warn you to avoid signing up your child for swim team at all costs.  I spent five hours, let me repeat that again, FIVE HOURS, standing at the end of the pool recording the swimmer's times on a time sheet for Marcus's swim meet.  The real kicker was that the times I recorded were only backup in case the sensor broke.  Pretty sure there wasn't a kid in that pool who would've known/cared if the sensor stopped working.

Don't I look official?
Randy made it up to me by taking me out on a date that night.  We joined our friends at the White Horse Tavern, the oldest running tavern in the country.  And it was old.  We're talking 1673 old.  And drafty.  I froze all through dinner and wished we'd been seated in front of the huge roaring fireplace but they stuck us in a tiny room instead, but my steak was divine so all was forgiven.

White Horse Tavern

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