Wednesday, April 8, 2015

And the Stress Continues

We put our house on the market yesterday.  I can't even begin to tell you what a relief it is to finally have it ready to show.  I've cleaned, scrubbed, and de-cluttered just about every surface of the entire house and actually wore out a huge hole in my cleaning gloves last night.  Hopefully our hard work pays off.  It's only been listed for 24 hours and we already had our first showing today. 

Here's a link with all the info in case you know someone who wants to move to Rhode Island.  Ha! 
 I know it's unrealistic but I'm hoping the house sells in record time because keeping my house spotless is stressing me out so I've made a few changes to help maintain a higher level of clean than what we are used to.  For example, the boys are no longer allowed to stand up when they use the bathroom because I don't want to clean up their mess from their bad aim {which they always blame on someone else because they think their aim is perfect.  Yeah, right.}  We put about half the boys' belongings in storage so their toys are easily contained in the toy box and a few cupboards where they are out of sight.  The Legos are now in Parker's closet which means the boys have pretty much forgotten about them so now I don't have to pick up the endless amounts of Legos that manage to spread throughout the house each day.  This all sounds like my kids are big slobs and I should teach them to clean up after themselves.  Yes, like most kids they are messy but they do clean.  Just not good enough for showcasing a house.  If it were an option, I'd move out to Utah for a couple months so my perfectly clean house could be maintained with no effort on my part.  Sigh.


  1. That looks like a beautiful Better Homes and Gardens Home. Congratualtions! It will sell probably sooner than you are ready. Then you will be off onto another adventure. Beautiful Again!!!!

  2. That looks like a beautiful Better Homes and Gardens Home. Congratualtions! It will sell probably sooner than you are ready. Then you will be off onto another adventure. Beautiful Again!!!!


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