Monday, April 13, 2015

Happy Easter!

We started our Easter weekend out with a 10k race over the Jamestown bridge.  It. Was. Brutal. The last mile was all uphill with a powerful wind blowing in our faces.  It took so much effort to move forward I would've laughed if I'd had any breath to do so.  But it was so cool running across that beautiful bridge, over the ocean, past a lighthouse, and around tiny and quaint Jamestown Island.

We ran up, over, down, under, and back up and over that bridge.  Torture!

The cleanest kitchen there ever was.  It lasted 5 minutes.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning so our friend could come photograph our house, and listening to General Conference.  This was the first Easter that I can remember that I didn't host a big Easter dinner at our house.  Our friends invited us over for dinner at the last second or we would've been eating alone which is so depressing to me so I'm glad that didn't happen.

Easter Sunday was fun and relaxing.  Randy says I don't "do" Easter.  I say I don't do the Easter Bunny and I keep things simple.  We had a yummy breakfast and discussed the Easter story as the boys opened plastic eggs containing symbols of Easter inside.   We dyed eggs and they turned out awful--glitter, glue, and stickers were everywhere.  After a couple quick {and uncooperative} Easter pics, the boys had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard where Ethan was the winner of the ever elusive $5 egg.  Parker and Landon are obsessed with all things super hero and LOVED the Avenger Easter eggs.  Marcus loved all the candy and ate all of his by that evening and probably ate most of his brothers' candy as well. 

Dressed in their new duds.  Disregard their desperate need for haircuts.  I've been a little busy lately. . .
Plastic bags and Halloween buckets work great for storing plastic eggs

Hunting and hunting for the $5 egg hiding in the green bush to Ethan's right

My boys

Landon proudly showing off his Captain America egg

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