Monday, November 21, 2016

Our New Purchase

I bought an extra refrigerator!
Do you have any idea what this means?  This means I have spare time because I don't have to go to the grocery store every three days for more milk.  This means I can stock up on freezer items and sale items because now I finally have room to store them.  This means I can make food in advance and freeze it for later (although that will probably never happen because that would require planning ahead).
I don't know why we waited so long for this modern convenience.  We go through a gallon of milk per day.  Per day!  Currently there are 8 gallons of milk in the fridge as we speak, which makes me feel so happy I can practically hear a choir of angels singing Hallelujah Chorus.
We will not talk about why it's taken me so long to purchase this wonderful necessity (apparently I'm not a good problems solver?) so just let me enjoy that some of my first world problems have been solved.  Life is good and I am grateful.
and now I can buy Costco pizza and actually close the fridge door.  It's so wonderful!


Your thoughts?