Being a father to all boys means Randy is busy. He's got a lifetime of Pinewood Derby cars to build, endless camp outs and scout activities, and loads of father/son activities. Poor guy. It's no wonder he wanted Baby No.5 to be a girl. He needed a break!
We were more than happy to celebrate this guy in our lives though. He works so hard as a provider and is really, really good at pretty much everything he does. The boys love when he plays with them and especially love accommodating their dad's craving for candy and ice cream. Even Parker has figured out that if he wants an ice cream cone all he has to do is ask his dad and they're happily on their way to McDonald's for a soft-serve in record time.
This is also a good time to make an official announcement so big drum roll please..................
Randy is opening up his own endodontic practice! This is a HUGE deal and has been in the works before we found out about Baby No.5 {or there would be no Baby No. 5}. Doors are scheduled to open September 1st, which is right around the corner. The loan was approved last Wednesday so Randy said I can make the news official and the demolition of the old office space has already begun. We've hit the ground running {but really it feels like we are racing along on a high speed train without a driver}.
This is a really bad shot of his building which I took from my car. The second story window is where the waiting room will be.
His office is about two miles away and takes 2-5 minutes to get there depending on how you hit the lights. On days when we wish we'd never gotten ourselves into this mess, just thinking of his next-to-nothing commute brings smiles to our faces. His office is on the 2nd floor of a building with a bank on the main floor and three other dental offices (orthodontist, dentist, and pediatric dentist) on the second and third floors. It makes for a pretty sweet set up, we hope. Every day there seems to be a never ending list of things that we need to do, decisions that need to be made, and more money that needs to be spent. It's so overwhelming! But Randy is all in and is making huge progress each day as he chips away at that never ending list. I am totally confident in his abilities to make this practice thrive and I know our boys have no clue what a risk this is for their dad because in their eyes, he can do anything. And they're right!
So we are taking things one day at a time, trying to stay positive even when overwhelmed, and looking forward to the biggest adventure we could ever imagine.
Exciting times ahead! It will be a great adventure!!