Marcus, Ethan, Landon, and Randy helped collect food outside the grocery store for Sammamish Day of Service. Marcus couldn't find his scout shirt anywhere so he wore one 2 sizes too small until I could find his. Which I did because I have Mom Eyes.
Snuggling this cute little man is my favorite past time
In all of the craziness of our lives, Randy still makes time for scouts in an epic way. He took 17 boys and some of their dads on an overnight campout that included a 22 mile bike ride, 2 miles through a dark train tunnel. All survived = success!
If you don't follow me in Instagram then you missed these picture of the black bear in our backyard. Landon and Parker spotted it while jumping on the tramp and came in to tell me. Of course I ran out, told them to go inside, they ignored me, and we had a great time watching this thing eat apples from our trees. Then it walked down below the rope swing so Landon {without my permission} wasted no time swinging on the rope swing above the bear. The bear couldn't have cared less and walked away.
I love him.
My boys love to play football in the driveway. Not sure how you can play one-on-one football but apparently it can be done.
A bad picture of Randy but look at Henry! His cuteness knows no bounds.
Marcus's friends were helping him mow the lawn while he did his homework so they could go to a movie. Then they ran over some mole mounds which ripped up the grass and they yelled for Marcus to help them for fear I'd be mad at them for ruining the lawn. I wasn't mad.
I'm still a den leader in cub scouts {have been forever} but now I host it at my house so Henry can sleep. Here are the boys playing a relay game in my entryway. Nothing got broken and no one got hurt. Win!
Stop with the cuteness!
We spend a lot of evenings setting up the office. Here's Marcus trying out the dental chairs which have since been replaced with better ones that are the equivalent of a lazy boy recliner.
The cuteness is overflowing, even at morning scripture study.
And here's Landon at his first Cub Scout pack meeting. He had no idea when I tied his bandanna on that I made him look like a dork. I needed a good laugh that day. It worked.
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