Thursday, December 14, 2017

Brothers Night and other December Happenings

The 7th Annual Brothers Night was a success!  I love this tradition and I think my boys love it even more.  It gets talked about all year long.  In fact, before we found out Henry was a boy and I was optimistically thinking he was a girl, the boys had long discussions about how to do Brothers Night with a sister.  It was that important to them.
The boys drew names and then we were off to dinner at Red Robin where the boys ate so many fries that by the time their meals arrived they weren't hungry anymore.  Except for Marcus.  He was having one of his bottomless pit moments and was able to eat all of his and some of everyone else's. 
 Henry's first taste of real food.  He sucked on that fry long and hard.  Then Randy saw what was happening and put a stop to that!

After dinner we drove over to Target where each boy grabbed a shopping basket and spread out like they were on a secret mission.  Landon filled his basket with Legos so even though everyone saw what he had, no one knew which box was the one he was buying.  Ethan found exactly what he wanted and ran through the store to purchase it and get it in a bag before his brother could see it. 

Sunday night we went to the Festival of the Nativities where hundreds of nativities are on display.  There is live music, lots of artwork on display, and each kid gets a clipboard with a list of things to find.  It's an amazing experience to witness.  We also went to the Discovery Center to learn a little bit about our family history.  I think the workers were relieved to see us go.

 I hosted a little Cub Scout Christmas party where we played a few games and then decorated gingerbread {graham cracker} houses.  Half way through the decorating I realized this is the only time my boys will get to do this {because I'm not doing it again this busy Christmas season} so I took a picture of them to document that they got to do a fun Christmas thing, even if it was part of a Cub Scout activity.

 And no post would be complete without a pic of Henry.  He is still the cutest and is looking more like Marcus every day.  I bought him these little pj's to match the Christmas pajamas Randy bought all of us last year so we wouldn't have to buy more this year.  I thought I was being so thrifty!  Then Randy went ahead and bought everyone new pajamas anyway.  Oh well, at least I tried.

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