Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Mark's Funeral

Our good friend, Mark McBride, passed away.  He is my best friend's husband and passed away from a short, intense battle with stage 4 melanoma.  Mark and Jen were one of the first friends we made here in WA during Randy's residency. They actually moved into our rental house when we moved to Rhode Island. We've been friends for years, our kids are friends, and Mark's death and their move to Utah has left a huge gaping hole in our lives.  Mark was the bishop who called me to be the Relief Society President but he had to be released soon after I was called because of his diagnosis.  I felt like part of the reason I was called was so I could help the ward support this wonderful family.  It was both inspiring and heart wrenching to watch the love and service that was extended to this family while they experienced the terrible journey of losing the battle with cancer.  

One of my most treasured memories was when we gathered outside their house to cheer Mark and Jen on as they drove to the hospital for his first cancer treatment.  We had signs and banners and cheered with all our hearts as we sent them off, praying for miracles.  I sobbed as I filmed this video.  Heaven was close that day.

Randy and I flew down for the funeral and I loved being surrounded by so many good friends as we celebrated the great man that Mark was.  I actually like funerals now.  Heaven feels so close and being surrounded by so much love is so healing.  Marcus was especially close with Mark and really struggled being in Brazil during all this so I took a few photos at the funeral to send to him.

Marcus's friends (some who drove from Cali) 

That's me with Barb and Jana (Jana is Jen's aunt and she owned my home before we bought it so we are tight)

Mark was super fit and loved to workout in the wee hours of the morning so on the morning of the funeral there was a 6am workout in UT in Mark's honor.  I was sad to miss it!  We worked out together a few times a week for years.  The last text I sent to Mark was telling him I missed working out with him and that "he was in my prayers and my burpees" :)

This is Marcus lifting his homemade weights in honor of Mark

This is some of our ward family after the funeral luncheon.  Once you move into the Pine Lake Ward, you're always a member, even if you move away.

Here's just one picture of the funeral broadcast that we arranged back in WA.  So many people couldn't attend the funeral in Utah so we felt like gathering to watch it would help support those aching hearts.  This picture is of people watching the slideshow and eating Mark's famous chocolate chip cookies.  So much love in this photo!

Mark was a friend to all and just like Linz, everyone felt like they were his best friend because they were.  I'm beginning to realize that most people who pass before their time truly are some of the best.  Heaven is definitely full of incredible souls who have passed on but I know they support us from the other side because I've witnessed it time and time again since Mom and Linz died.  I am so thankful to know that Mark is now healthy, free from pain, and reunited with his son Maxwell.  God has a beautiful plan for us, even if it includes heartache.  

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said Mel. I also like funerals, it is such a bitter/sweet experience, and a reuniting of friends and family who loved the same person you did. I am always uplifted afterwards, having gotten to peek a bit further into the life of the person who passed away. Thankyou


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