Wednesday, July 5, 2023

End of School

School finally ended for everyone (June 20th) and everything just kind of blurred together into summer time.  This was the first year I can remember since living in the PNW that we had so much sunshine my kids actually had farmer tans from playing outside at recess and sports.  Squeezing in a few boat trips also made the transition from school to summer blend seamlessly.  

Parker was all smiles as he ate our traditional ice cream cookie dough sandwiches--best snack to celebrate the end of the school year.  He had a great year in 4th grade, although I know almost nothing about it.  This boy doesn't tell me anything unless I specifically ask.  For example, a boy in his class suddenly died and Parker didn't tell me.  I found out from a phone call from the school notifying me!  Even though it was a very big deal, I didn't ask Parker if anyone died that day so he didn't tell me it happened.  But I appreciate that he's easy going so I can focus on my other not-so-easy children :)

Landon finished off 7th grade with his final choir concert.  Our long-time favorite teacher/choir director is moving away.  Marcus was her student in her first year of teaching, Ethan had her along the way, and Landon had her for her last year of teaching at our school.  Landon decided to quit choir next year so this was the last choir concert I'll attend for probably a very long time, which makes me so sad.  I dragged all the boys to the concert and when former choir alumni were invited to go up to the stage, Marcus walked up and when Ms. Garsson saw him, they hugged for the longest time.  It was so sweet!  I love a good teacher who knows how to influence students for good.

My hug at the airport with Marcus might not have been as long as this hug!

Another cool thing that Landon did this year was enter a video contest for all middle/high school kids in the district.  I saw the prize was $1,000 and figured hardly anyone would submit entries so I told Landon he should do it and he actually listened to me!  His video was actually really awesome and he did a great job on the editing.  Landon is a natural on camera, just check out his old YouTube channel.  I knew he'd win something and he did.  He got first place in his category and received $150 for a video that took him less than an hour to create.  Not bad! 

Landon was not happy to be at this event.  I guess the kids who do this stuff aren't the cool athletes that Landon likes to associate with but whatever.  I'm still proud even though he told me I'm not allowed to tell anyone about this.  His video about how terrible Covid was, was really good!


  1. What is Landon's Youtube channel name?

  2. Apparently he deleted his channel. It got him through Covid but he’s grown up a lot since then. Here’s the link to his prize-winning video he made


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