Thursday, May 16, 2024

What a Weekend!

We had summer-like weather over Mother's Day weekend and we took advantage of it.  Randy and I were invited to attend an auction/fundraiser with a bunch of friends on Friday night.  I wish we'd gotten a picture with some of the other couples and people at our table but oh well.  The views from the golf course were beautiful and the fancy dinner was also delicious.  The dress code was formal so naturally I stressed and ordered 5 different dresses and 4 different pairs of shoes.  Thank you Amazon!  I returned everything except for a pair of shoes I bought at Target two hours before the event.  Thank goodness for Spanx so I could fit into this dress that I've had for the last ten years :) 

We got home to texts and photos from friends who were looking at the Northern Lights so I dragged Landon outside at midnight to check it out.  It was worth it!  Turns out the Northern lights are best scene through the lens of a camera but it was still an amazing experience.  It was spontaneous and beautiful and felt like just the right thing to do on May 10th, Lindsey's heaven day.  Miss you Linz!

Saturday was crammed full of sports, church stuff, and Sunday prep.  Then we dropped every
thing and took the boat out for the first time this season.  It was also the first time we went boating with all three boat owner/families.  Luckily Marcus and Ethan weren't there because there wouldn't have been enough room!  We cruised through Lake Washington and into Lake Union where we found a new restaurant to dock at for dinner.  The food was pretty good but the sunshine and setting was even better!

Henry and a few others jumped into the water for a polar bear plunge.  The water was already 64 degrees but that's still pretty cold!  Those long black tubes blow hot air and are the best way to warm up.

Mother's Day was great!  And busy as I prepared a special lesson for all the women in my ward.  Once that was over, I got to relax all day.  My boys refused to cooperate for a picture but they wrote me nice letters that melted my heart.  I'm saving them to re-read on those days when I want to punch them in the nose or when they act like animals.  Randy bought me a huge cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory so I spent Monday delivering cheesecake to several friends.  It was kind of awesome!  I'm used to getting cheesecake for special occasions but I sure would love to have a slice delivered to my door on a random day.  My friends loved it! Also, I miss Mom and Linz.

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