Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May This and That

It feels like nothing has been going because everything has been going on! It’s lacrosse season and the fake end of the school year when we realize everyone else is wrapping up school and we still have a month left. Fake out!

Parker got new lacrosse gloves and they are fancy!! Now’s he’s practicing like crazy to be worthy to wear them and scored 3/5 goals in his last tournament. Practice pays off!

Randy just finished his fourth year of early morning seminary. In his typical over-the-top way, he played the role of King Benjamin. The tower was my idea—scaffolding from Home Depot. Disguising it with wood, ropes, and a couple of my rugs was all randy. Those kids are spoiled!

Henry finally lost a tooth!  Took him long enough. It was hanging by a thread but he wouldn’t let anyone touch it so finally I pulled it while he was playing Fortnite 🙄 He hardly noticed what happened!

I went on my first school field trip! We went to the science museum and it turns out, I like museums the way a kindergartner likes them. We saw everything we wanted to see, read one or two plaques, learned nothing, and left before we could get bored. It was perfect!

Enzo on the right is Henry’s buddy and they were a handful. Enzo also can’t reconcile the “mean mom” Henry talks about with the mom he saw on the field trip. He was confused the whole day trying to decide if he should like me or not. He held my hand as we left so I guess I won him over. 

Landon was selected to play in the All Stars game. Only two player from each team get chosen and Landon was of course one of them. Not a huge deal but still proud of Landon. 

Ethan survive honors night with our ward. Each senior gets recognized with a table to display stuff about them and then we watch a slideshow and eat treats. I wish we could’ve put one of his mountain bikes on the table!

Our high school lax team took State again! It was a great game and I worked very hard to not lose my voice, especially since I didn’t even have a kid on the team. 

Randy’s car got totaled by a certain son who will not be named. Now he’s leasing this beauty. I know, enough with the Audi’s already! 

Friday night fun meant dinner at a restaurant with such terrible service we won’t be going back. But it was a fun night with the kiddos. 

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