Monday, July 15, 2024

4th of July

The sun came out for the 4th of July!!  We were worried.  It hasn't felt like summer for most of June which happens sometimes here and when it does, I complain!  We have to store up all the sunshine we can and make the most of the brief window of opportunity when the Pacific Northwest is paradise on earth.

We started the day out with our annual ward pancake breakfast.  We put up signs and banners so community members who were at the park would know who we were and join in.  We had lots of kids going through the food line, happy for free food.  

Henry up to bat in an intense game of wiffle ball 

Kids getting their bikes all decorated for the bike parade

The Johnson's are the greatest, even without Megan

After the breakfast we braved the crowds and went boating on Lake Sammamish.  Turned out to be a great day on the lake and not very crowded.  Boating was more fun because the Johnson's were with us.  We sure miss Megan though.  She is serving a mission in Colorado Springs and loving life!

We had a BBQ that night and I actually made the hamburger patties myself, instead of buying the frozen kind.  They were pretty tasty, I must say.  We invited everyone to come to our backyard to watch the fireworks and had such a small crowd this year.  It's so sad how many families and good friends of ours have moved!  It made me sad.  But the fire works were spectacular and no one fell off the roof.  Win!

Doesn't this look at fun and cozy?  I actually hate s'mores :) The taste doesn't outweigh the mess.

I've spent countless hours reseeding my lawn this spring and summer.  I thatched it.  I aerated it.  I raked it.  I dumped soil/seed mixture on it twice and it finally looks pretty amazing.  I am proud.

Happy 4th of July!

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