Friday, August 23, 2024

Marcus is Home!!

Elder Ball returned from the California, Los Angeles Mission on August 2, 2024. The entire family was so excited to meet him at the airport and it’s been a whirlwind of non-stop activity ever since. 

We met Marcus at the gate because the Seattle airport is under major construction and it would’ve been nearly impossible to find him otherwise. Thankfully there was a kind woman who saw our sign and excitement who took pictures and filmed the big reunion for us. 

Randy bawled

Henry wore his new school shoes and his Bluey T-shirt so he could impress Marcus 

Lots of brothers trying not to cry

No seatbelts on the freeway and I didn’t even care

Walking into the house 

Marcus wrote the names of all the people he baptized on his white slides 

Shortly after we arrived home from the airport, President Tanner from the stake presidency came over to release Marcus. He sat us all down and asked each of us to bear our testimonies and ended with Marcus bearing his. It was powerful as he testified of the truths he has learned—how God really appeared to Joseph Smith, and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I’ve never been more proud of my son and never been more aware of God’s ability to change us when we turn our lives over to him. Marcus had an unusual mission with unique challenges that seemed almost insurmountable. But he did it! And we owe his success to God. God is so good. 

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