Thursday, September 5, 2024

They're Gone!

Everyone is back at school and the house is peacefully quiet.  I have two kids in college.  Whoa.  I also have one kid in high school, one in middle school, and Henry bringing up the rear in first grade.  It's a lot of change.  Change is weird.  And hard.  But mostly weird.  I still haven't decided how I feel.  I'm excited for my college boys, super happy to have a quiet house, and wanting to make the most of the holidays when everyone will be home.  Oh, and I'm loving the amount of extra freezer space we have for the first time in ever.  Not having to play Tetris with all the food in my freezer to make everything fit is a nice way to live. I've also significantly reduced the amount of milk I buy at Costco.  We now go through four jugs of milk/week instead of 8.  Hooray! 

It was time to retire this amazing doormat :( I cannot live a lie.

Landon on his first day of high school.  He's loving it and usually stays after with friends or goes to the gym.

Parker didn't even seem nervous for 6th grade.  I actually had to wake him up or he would've been late!  He had no problems getting his locker open so he's off to a great start.

Henry loves the color red and never does anything halfway.  He is so cute and so small and such a stinker.

Walking to the bus stop alone.  For the rest of his life :( Good thing he doesn't care.

Marcus drove himself down to BYU.  I was praying the whole day that the van wouldn't die on him and it ran great.  He had it packed to the gills.  He's on his second day of classes and LOVING playing lacrosse.  He goes on a date with a different girl almost daily.

This is me waiting impatiently to get access to Ethan's dorm room.  He probably took about half of what Marcus did to school.  Utah State is the perfect place for him! Ethan is majoring in biology and thinking about a future in medical/dentistry.

While we dropped off Ethan in Logan, we met up with our Oki besties who we haven't seen in over ten years.  I cried when I hugged Joy.  She's incredible and I'm so glad we got to hang out for a bit and introduce our boys to each other.  Ethan and Calvin are now great friends and Joy sends me pictures of them together because Ethan refuses to. 

I have a feeling we will be traveling to Utah whenever possible so we can see our college boys.

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