Friday, June 7, 2019

This and That

We are just finishing up lacrosse season which has consumed our lives but despite it, we've been enjoying the sunny weather and there are lots of other things that fill our time. 

We love our neighbors!  Parker and Spencer were rocking their matching bike helmets as they cruised around the neighborhood.

And here's Henry with our neighbor, Karissa.  She is 3 weeks older than him but speaks in full sentences and basically makes him look very dumb.  It doesn't bother me too much because I've learned through the years that that's just the way it goes when you compare boys and girls.  They sure are cute together!

Spring is absolutely beautiful here.  Check out those azaleas at the church.  We've had a couple friends get baptized so squeezing in baptisms on busy Saturdays has been a fun adventure but these two handled it ok.

 Henry and I got to go to Parker's school on Toy Maker Day.  This guys comes to the school and teaches the kids how to make a boat out of rubber bands and rulers and other household items.  Luckily I've done this a few times with the other kids so it didn't matter that I arrived 20 minutes late from a marketing lunch I had to do for the office.  

Henry is in the messy toddler phase that makes me want to pull my hair out.  He pretty much needs a bath after every meal and my kitchen floor needs a good mopping too.  Neither of which happen.

I bought a couple toys for Henry to play with out in the yard because his cute little bike he got for Christmas was stolen!  He obsessed over this lawn mower for a little while and looks like a little old man pushing it around.

Marcus is a SLOB.  An absolute slob.  He used to be ridiculously neat and tidy and then puberty hit and it was like a switch got flipped.  I'm trying to figure out how to flip it back.  Ethan duct taped the floor to mark the area that Marcus is allowed to contaminate.

Ethan is the best big brother around and spends lots of afternoons playing with Henry.  I don't know what I'd do without him as he has fast become my right-hand man the way Marcus used to be until he started high school and pretty much disappeared from our lives :)

Henry is loved!  Look at these two just watching Henry eat his breakfast.

 I took the boys for a mandatory Sunday walk.  Mandatory because they never want to go but once they do, they realize just how much pent up energy they have and forget they never wanted to go in the first place.  They kept leaping and bounding in and out of the tall grass, disappearing from sight and then suddenly popping up again.  Landon and Ethan are back there somewhere.
The sky was so beautiful too.  Unfortunately my camera couldn't focus on the meadow and sky at the same time so superimpose the two shots together and you get an idea of just how beautiful it actually was.

Parker on the 2nd row just left of center

Parker had his kindergarten concert and was so cute.  He kept searching for us in the crowd while I was embarrassing myself with all kinds of waving to get his attention.  Finally I waved Henry around in the aisle and you should've seen Parker's eyes light up when he knew we were there.

Henry doing what he does best!

His latest obsession is dipping graham crackers in milk.  He is very particular about their size and refuses to eat them if they aren't broken into perfect rectangles.
Also, I have no idea why there is a comb and a package of croutons sitting on the counter as if it's totally normal.  I guess we are used to abnormal things in our home.

And this is Ethan getting some serious emergency dental work done, late on a Friday night.  Ethan was out riding his new trick scooter he had just bought with his hard earned money when he fell off a jump and chipped three teeth and shifted one tooth out of its socket.  This was kind of the equivalent to the kid from The Christmas Story who shoots his eye out after he finally gets his beloved Red Ryder Bb gun.  Ethan was terrified to tell Randy.  Randy made a splint in hopes of saving Ethan's tooth and keeping it in place.  He's the man!   (Check out the cool x-ray of Ethan's teeth in the background)

And last but certainly not least, Randy wrecked the Audi.  He wasn't hurt but it was his fault.  Things got really complicated as this was a leased car and we had planned to turn it in and buy something else before our lease was up.  I even had it inspected the week before so we were all set to return the thing on time.  Serves me right for being on top of things for once!  But things worked out.  Sort of.  Randy spent the day at the dealership while I went to SEVEN(!) lacrosse games.  It would've been eight but I couldn't be in two places at once.  

1 comment:

  1. Okay, that picture of Henry watching TV with his shirt up looks just like Greg (insert face with eyes covered). Those Spjute genes! :)


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