We aren't done yet!
While the rest of the world is winding down the end of the school year with all the end-of-year events and chaos that comes with it, we are still trudging along with too many days left to even being a countdown. We are at that place where we could desperately use a break from the daily grind. The boys are sick of eating the same foods in their sack lunches, they're unmotivated to do their jobs without a lot of reminders and nagging from me, bedtimes keep getting pushed back later and later as the sun stays out longer, and homework is getting sloppier with every passing day. These are all symptoms of burnout and I've grown accustomed to them as they happen every year but unfortunately for us, we've still got over a month left of school. Ugh.
And I'm feeling some burnout too. Yesterday morning was a doozy. Landon refused to cooperate during his piano lesson, setting records for pushing buttons I didn't know I had, thus resulting in me having to "fire him" from piano. He will now be taking lessons from some poor soul who he will hopefully be more respectful to. While I was taking a 2-minute shower after suffering through the worst piano lesson ever with Landon, Henry dumped out half a gallon of milk all across the counter and kitchen floor. Landon and Parker were yelling as they headed out the door for school as I frantically threw some clothes on, changed a soggy, stinky Henry and dashed out the door to pick up the rental car (because Randy wrecked the Audi) leaving a pile of milk-soaked towels on the kitchen floor. As I thought about my morning it was all I could do not to burst into tears as I thought about all the things I said that I wished I hadn't said, and all the things my kids did or said that they shouldn't have said either. I really just wanted to crawl back into bed and ignore the world and everyone in it but instead I had to put on a good face and chat with some stranger who drove me from the mechanic to the rental car place. It was actually therapeutic to chat as if I didn't have a care in the world or five kids who I wanted to put up for adoption. Since my friend was taking care of Henry I was able to run some quick errands without a toddler in tow and enjoy what actually felt like some much-needed down time.
Being a mom is tough. It's thankless. It's unappreciated. It's never-ending. But it's also fulfilling, miraculous, entertaining, and unpredictable.
PS. I wrote this post a week ago and forgot to hit publish. After a much-needed Memorial Day to reboot, we are ready to face the 22 days left of school. Sort of ready.
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