Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Henry and his Sugar Coma

It’s a good thing Henry is so cute because he sure is hard to love! Last Saturday, I left him home with Parker while I went to a lacrosse game and when I came home an hour later, I walked in to see him sleeping half naked on the kitchen floor. Next to him was a package of Oreo cookies that he had eaten all the frosting out of and later I discovered he had taken a bag of Lucky Charms cereal into the living room and eaten every single marshmallow in the bag. After consuming all the sugar his body could handle, he got a stool and climbed up to get his binky out of the cupboard where I hide it out of reach during the day. Once he had his binky he spread his blanket carefully down on the floor and went to sleep. Meanwhile Parker was upstairs playing video games and is not to be trusted ever again!  After Parker saw that Henry was asleep he went outside to play with his friends.  The stinker!!

Henry ate all the frosting off the donuts 

Henry with his red cheeks from playing hard

Henry still takes solid naps. If I let him, he will sleep 2-3 hours and then he’s up until 11pm so I set an alarm on my phone to make sure I wake him up. Hardest part of my day is waking him up because I enjoy every second of his nap. 

Henry spends A LOT of time in the time out chair. His favorite name for everyone is idiot or dummy. And he loved to tell us to shut up. So he sits in time out frequently. I can’t  decide if he’s a rebel at heart or just the product of four older brothers. 

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