Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Runner Down!

Only five weekends left in paradise. We haven't seen the sun in about ten days and had hopes for a sunny weekend for the big race. Randy and I, along with about ten of our friends have been training for the Ie Island Half-Marathon. Last year I was pregnant and was forced to watch from the sidelines so this was a big deal that we'd be running together. Well, starting together. Randy is super fast and averaging a 7:25 minute pace so I planned to kiss him farewell at the starting line.
Unfortunately tragedy struck late Monday night as waves of nausea forced Randy to sleep on the bathroom floor. He threw up so much he ended up in the ER getting hooked up with an IV. A chest x-ray was done and he was diagnosed with pneumonia. So much for running in the big race. At least now I don't have to find a babysitter for the boys while I race. I guess we'll just have to come back and run it next year.


  1. This is SO not fair on so many levels! We will be praying for a speedy recovery. Hope he's able to rest.

  2. Randy that is awful and sad. You must have gotten sick after the phone call. I didn't realize you were so bad. Take it easy will you. Love, ya, Mom

  3. That stinks for Randy, but I would have been even more upset if it was you. Good luck in a few hours!


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