Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Road Trip

It's time for some single-parent adventures. I have a couple weeks without any doctor visits or consults so I'm loading up the boys and driving to Seattle to check out our house and say hello to Randy. The drive takes 12 hours without kids. I'll let you know how many hours it takes me.
But with my "swagger wagon" (Honda style) anything is possible! I told you minivans were cool.

Peace out.


  1. Enjoy your took us 18 1/2 hours to get from Seattle to Salt Lake when we drove back from the states...with 3 kids, pregnant and 2 dogs. I hope your drive goes a little smoother than ours. I can't wait to hear about the adventure.

  2. I happen to know you can do anything and you have fantastic kids so I am betting you'll have a great trip. Then again, you could drive all around Okinawa nearly 6 times in that amount of time so the kids may have some adjusting to do.... we just flew into Seattle this morning. I kept thinking of you and your fantastic house. I got to my in-laws and laid on the grass just because I could... it wasn't crawling with bugs and although it was hot outside I wasn't dripping with sweat. It is amazing!


Your thoughts?