Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Best Pumpkin Patch Ever

We took the boys to a pumpkin patch for a little autumn fun.  When we got to the farm Randy was skeptical.  "How much are we paying for this?"  he asked.
I quickly responded, "Pretend it's a pineapple park.  It'll be fun!"
I was right.  Again.  You'd be surprised how often that happens around here.
Once the fog cleared, it was a beautiful fall day and we all had a great time.  As soon as the boys discovered the small, man-made fishing pond with real trout swimming around in it you'd think we'd taken them to Disneyland.  They each caught several fish and we kept two of them to take home.  Ethan was devastated when he found out we were going to eat the fish, not keep them as pets.  Before he could get too upset I promised him he could play with the fish's eye balls after we gutted it.  My bribe worked and he was back to all smiles.
Note to self:  A stump full of nails to hammer will make a great Christmas present

Yes, that's us racing human hamster wheels

Marcus and his fish

Ethan loving his new pet

Snuggin' my boys on the hay ride

Randy LOVED the train ride

Landon loved playing in the chicken feed

He also loved banging on pots and pans while his brothers fished

P.S. Turns out my boys are wimps when it comes to fish guts. 
 The eye balls remained untouched.
I'm not gonna lie.
I was a little disappointed.


  1. Mel, your blog always makes me laugh. You guys do such fun things.

  2. Wow ... what a farm! Looks like tons of fun!
    Marcus doesn't have his two front teeth! They're all getting so big.

  3. That place looks awesome!!!! Forget the kids. I want to go!!


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