Monday, April 29, 2013

A Dream Come True

My sister will be here in two days!  I don't know which is more exciting, running the Cape Cod Ragnar or seeing Alicia.  I haven't seen anyone from my family in nine months and I'm feeling it.  On a whim I asked Leash-Ball if she wouldn't mind missing work to watch my boys and I shouted for joy and did a happy dance when she told me she'd come. My boys are so excited for "Aunt Leash" they couldn't care less that I'm leaving them.  Sisters make dreams come true!
Speaking of dreams, Marcus was living his dream when he tossed a bag of brown sugar in the air.  He didn't know it was open and was shocked as sugar rained down on him.  In an instant he exclaimed, "I'm covered in sugar!  My dreams have come true!"  Then he began licking himself, getting every last morsel of sugar while Randy looked on in horror.  I laughed my head off.  Then thrust a broom into his hands and made him sweep up his mess.


  1. IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!! I don't think I would have made it to work this week if I'd had to every day. Thanks for running your race so I can come and be the favorite aunt. Wahoo!

  2. I love that you keep up on your blog so I can catch up on things! I hope Ragnar was a blast, can't wait to read about it! Maybe I'll try to write a paragraph or two on my blog...


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