Friday, May 10, 2013

Five Years

Lindsey passed away five years ago today and not a single day has passed that I haven't thought of her.  I found it fitting that today I happened to see a group of high school girls playing soccer on the field next to my boys' soccer game.  Watching them play reminded me of her.  Lindsey was a great soccer player and the only soccer player in our family.
Even after all the time that has passed it is still a mystery to me as to how someone so alive, so active, so full of life, could be gone.  I can't get used to it.
Just last week I got a phone call from a number I didn't recognize.  The person identified herself as Lindsay and in the split second my mind raced to put a name with a face, my first thought was the person was my sister Lindsey.  I shook my head back and forth as if to get rid of the crazy idea that it was her on the other end.  I guess I was just being hopeful because some things are still just too hard to believe.


  1. Been thinking of you guys all this week. *hugs*

  2. Sending a big hug your way. I hope to see you soon (talked to Tadd last night and he is on his way to RI).

  3. Hard to believe is a good way to put!

  4. That was a great night! (the photo) If only we could do that more.


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