Wednesday, October 8, 2014

General Conference

We had a great weekend spent listening to General Conference.  It's always great to hear from our Prophet and Apostles but I also think what makes it feel special is the relaxing atmosphere.  We get a break from our busy and sometimes stressful Sabbath day routine and just enjoy spending the day together, watching conference, and of course eating good food.
Conference didn't start until noon for us so we had all morning to relax.  After a week of rain the sunny day couldn't have been more beautiful so we went to Beaver Tail Park for a little exploring, just like we did last year.  I'm going to miss this little annual tradition and can't help but wonder where we will be next year at this time.  Speaking of which, Randy flies out to UT and WA the first week in November to meet with a couple practices who are interested in him.  I am so tired of weighing all the pros and cons each place has to offer I can't stand to think about it anymore and have decided to stop worrying about it until after he gets specific info about each job.   Hopefully the details will give us the direction we need.  But it's good to have options and for that I am grateful!
Super Hero Landon


Don't be fooled by all the beauty.  It's a mean trick to get people to live here.  In another month RI will be nothing but ugly, brown trees with frigid temps. 
We took a different trail that led us to this little secluded beach

Enjoying the view

Parker takes this car with him everywhere we go

Snuggling with Dad as we head back to the van


  1. So the last few pictures that you've posted of Landon - when I first see them I think "that must be Bean's friend." I don't know why he looks so different. Is his hair longer or something? I'm losing it. Cute pics, and you are right - its so beautiful it makes me want to move there. :)


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