Monday, January 26, 2015

"I Will Do My Duty"

Ethan, the newest Wolf
We are gearing up for a winter blizzard the likes of which we've never seen before.  I've got the heat turned up, every light turned on, electronics charging, and the washing machine running, while I make as much food as possible before we lose power for what could be days.
But before the kids all come home from school and we're sitting in the freezing cold house with nothing to do, I thought I'd put up these pictures from our recent cub scout pack meeting.
Pack meeting was a big deal for a couple reasons.  First, because I actually got all the boys badges sewn on their shirts.  They've been waiting for almost a year and I finally got it done, with help and nagging from Randy.  Second, Ethan earned his Wolf badge {three months early} and Marcus earned his WEBELOS badge.  Hooray!
I hate scouts.  You would too if your husband spent nearly every waking moment outside of work helping boys {who are not your boys} work on their scout requirements, going on over-nighters {also not with your boys}, and taking days off work to go to scout camp {also not with your boys}.  Do I sound bitter?  I am and I should be.  This has been going on for years now.
But I have to say I'm glad my kids get to do it.  Ethan loves it.  He loves getting rewarded for his efforts, he loves the things he gets to do, and he loves wearing the uniform.  Marcus is not as enthusiastic but he gets it done and I think that's important too.  We are in this scouting thing for the long haul so I need to embrace it and love it.  I will try.  In the meantime, those "other boys" sure are getting a good deal!
A proud WEBELO.  Randy wasn't able to be there because he was with his scouts so I had to take pictures.  Parker is obviously very interested in the whole thing ;)
Parker and Landon keeping themselves occupied during another scout night
Ethan grilled hot dogs in 25 degree weather so he could pass off his last requirement.  He's hard cord.  So is Randy

1 comment:

  1. Riley is scout master in our ward and being his 'convert' self never went through the scouting program. With a full time job, army and scouts I rarely get to see my husband. I feel your pain cousin...


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