Saturday, February 27, 2016

So Much Good

I've been grumpy all week.  Angry even.  I think it's because I miss my sister.  Lindsey's 31st birthday would've been last Sunday.  We watched the slideshow/movie we made of her life for the funeral with Randy and my boys and I cried.  Then we sang Happy Birthday to her and ate brownies. 
I've been thinking about her a bunch and was surprised to find out how many others were thinking of her too.  Her best friend posted a picture on Facebook and it was so fun to read all the comments of memories people shared.  Her life touched so many people and not because she died but because of the way she lived her life.  She was so full of adventure and fun, was so sincerely kind, and to top it all off she saw the bigger picture that this life is.  She loved others because she loved God and by being around her you felt of God's love.  I've never met anyone else like her.  Our family neighbors and friends all wore blue to church on Sunday in honor of Lindsey and several neighbors even brought gifts over to my dad.  And many thanks to my Boston friend, Ellen, who planned a sister missionary panel for her Young Women and one of the girls received a "fake" mission call to the Birmingham, England mission in Lindsey's honor.  How cool was that?  All of these acts remind me that she has not been forgotten.  And now I'm getting all weepy. . .
I took a video of a video so the quality isn't great but I absolutely love this little clip from her slideshow because it's like she's talking right to me.  Love you, Linz!

1 comment:

  1. Did I ever tell you that my Grandparents served in Birmingham, too (back in the 90s)? The same ones that lived in the house that Randy also lived in.
    My heart hurts for you when I think about losing a sister.


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