Thursday, May 12, 2016

What a Weekend!

Randy and I got all dressed up for a fundraiser.  I usually hate dressing up for big events because I always feel out of place and awkward but this time was the exception.  Our friends invited us to a big fundraiser dinner thing.  All I needed was a dress so I did what any busy mother would do.  I ordered four dresses from Norstrom {hello, free shipping} and hoped at least one dress would work out.  It did!  Then my boot camp instructor/friend tipped me off about the miracle of the spray tan.  It's so awesome!  It only takes a couple minutes, and bam!  Instant tan.  Well, it's not quite instant but by the time we left for dinner I was no longer pasty white and it was a pleasant surprise to wake up the next morning looking like I'd spent the week at the beach.  I highly recommend it.

Our besties, the McBride's
Randy still has his salute down!  Can you see Seattle back there?
 Anyway, the fundraiser was fun and inspiring.  It all started with a guy who wanted to help the homeless and he ended up creating a shelter for women that helps them get off the streets, off drugs, and back into school, and pretty much changes lives.  Check out this guy here.

The next morning was Mother's Day.  I had a good and random burst of tears over my mom earlier in the week which allowed me to get the sadness out of my system so I could enjoy my own day.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and Randy nearly died trying to pull the whole thing off.  Poor guy!  He spent all day in the kitchen.  At one point the blender even exploded and all the kids were yelling and he was yelling and all I could think was, So this is what my life looks like! 
Notice Landon attacking me with a dinosaur while I opened my gifts.  Apparently Randy wants me to host more parties because he got me a bunch of serving dishes and a basket for my homemade rolls.  All things I've wanted pretty much since we got married.
By 7pm Randy had locked himself in the den, grumpy and exhausted while I put the boys to bed (happily because I'd just had the entire day off).  The next morning I got up at 5am to go to boot camp and Randy was too exhausted to join me.  I was grinning from ear to ear knowing that he could barely last one day doing what I do every day.  It made me so happy and was the best gift he could've given me.

I forced the boys to take a post-church picture with me.  I didn't plan to color coordinate, we just have a lot of blue in our wardrobes.


Your thoughts?