Two guinea pigs. Yep, we now have two pets. Marcus decided if Bean could have a pet then so could he. And he even convinced Ethan to pay for half of it "because guinea pigs need friends" so they both benefit from it. We went to three different pet stores so we could find the perfect one and Marcus settled on this huge, fat pig he named Beast. Beast and Dash have become best buds and make all sorts of squeaking sounds when they're together which is supposed to be a sign of happiness. I finally held them for the first time the other day when Ethan sadly complained to Randy that I've never held the new pets yet. I was so hoping no one had noticed I had chosen to love these animals from afar but unfortunately I was wrong. So far the novelty of them hasn't worn off and Marcus and Ethan are taking care of the feeding, caring, and cleaning of their beloved pets. While I'm definitely not enthusiastic about this whole thing, I'm happy to say I don't regret being a pet owner. Yet!
PS. Landon has had absolutely nothing to do with the guinea pigs which doesn't surprise me at all. Apparently he has no soul, according to Ethan.
Beast!!! 😍