For the record, we just finished basketball season. Well, just finished it over a month ago but it feels like last week. Marcus tried out for the 7th grade basketball team and was the only kid who made it that doesn't play on a club team. This was also the first time he hasn't played as point guard and he had a hard time figuring out where to be and what to do since he wasn't always the guy with the ball. It was refreshing to watch him struggle for once. Now he can relate to all of us average athletic human beings. Also, Marcus's favorite player number is 4 representing the 4 boys in our family. I told him it's time to switch to 5 but he refuses. He says Number 5 should've been a girl!
This is what triple overtime looks like. They lost to a buzzer shot but after playing so long and hard we were all just glad the game was finally over.
Marcus is also playing lacrosse for the second year in a row (and I haven't taken a single picture). He tried out for the 8th grade team and was one of three 7th graders to make it. We were shocked. His coach couldn't believe he's only played one season and said he has a lot of potential. The bummer about this is that practices are three times a week, overlapping with his previous basketball season and the current track season. This kid is busy! And in great shape. He doesn't need an excuse to lift up his shirt to show off his six pack. I'm unimpressed. It's a genetic thing he gets from his dad - a six pack without effort. It's sickening.
Landon played basketball as well and continued to outplay everyone on the court, usually scoring 8-10 baskets per game which is pretty impressive since he's one of the smallest players. He is very intense {everything about Landon is intense} and he always made sure to wake up at the crack of dawn on game day so he could have plenty of time to get ready for his 9am game. Super annoying.
Ethan (Number 5) started up lacrosse and is kind of obsessed with his lacrosse stick. Until he got a guinea pig, he pretty much carried his stick around with him everywhere he went. He's catching on fast, shows the most heart of any player on the team, but also couldn't care less if they win or lose. He's toughed it out through some really rainy games but keeps going back for more. I kind of wish he wouldn't.
So if you need me, you'll find me driving three boys to three different practices, usually at different locations and all overlapping start/finish times. Or I'm sitting on the sidelines watching my boys play or reading a book when they aren't on the field. It's a sad way to live.
Go nephews!! This post was depressing! Thanks for giving me a glimpse of my soon-to-be future.