Saturday, September 16, 2023


Henry started kindergarten!  I’m so excited about this new phase of life that I can’t stop smiling. It's been nineteen years since I became a mother and ever since that day, I've always had at least one little boy home with me.  It's been a blessing and a curse but mostly just a really long time to have no independence to do what I want when I want. Henry was so excited for the first day of school and very nervous, but totally ready for this change as well.  He's only been in school for two weeks but I'm still savoring every moment of my independence, especially around 1:00pm when instead of racing to preschool pickup, I still have two more hours of time to do whatever I need to do until he gets home.  That’s when I really start to smile! I haven't even taken a nap because I'm too excited to sleep.   I LOVE IT!  I've got a new lease on life so it's about time I caught up the old blog.  Thanks for sticking around while I regrouped!  

My Boston friend sent me these stamps in the mail with no note included.  She gets me!  I’m framing these.


Your thoughts?