Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ethan Graduated!

Ethan’s a graduate!  It was so fun and exhausting doing all the celebrations and ceremonies. It brought back so many memories of when I was a senior and having all my lasts. Like Ethan, I was ready to be done with everyone and everything and just move away to school.  Ethan was a good sport for going to all the things that he didn’t really care about. But we got the pictures and I’m so happy we got to focus on Ethan for a while. Ethan is a good kid and has done a lot of good things. 

This is the last picture we got of Ethan after the graduation ceremony in Seattle. But let’s back up a bit because there was a lot of stuff before the culminating event. 

Ethan graduated from early morning seminary! This is HUGE. This means he did more than just show up for a class that started at 6:15am. He attended, participated, read his scriptures, and persevered.  He doesn’t think it’s a big deal but Randy and I sure do.  I felt like death but refused to miss his seminary graduation.
Baccalaureate is my favorite part of graduation. It’s a non-denominational ceremony and is really what you expect graduation to be like, but it isn’t. It begins and ends with a prayer and there’s great speakers and messages from multiple faiths and it just feels good. Plus, the venue is awesome and the best place to get photos. 

Graduation is always held at T Mobile Park which is huge and impersonal.  The stage is so far away you can barely see the kids. Their name gets announced and as they walk across the stage, they continue to announce the names of the next grads in line so by the time they make it to the principal to receive their diploma, you’re hearing a name being read of a person that isn’t the one receiving their diploma. It’s kind of confusing. Afterwards, thousands of people all convene on one sidewalk so there is no room for pictures and it’s mass chaos. And because nothing ever seems to be easy when all my boys get together, Parker and Henry got lost. We couldn’t find them anywhere. Turned out they made a bee line for the car and one of my friends grabbed them until we could fight the crowds to get to them. Meanwhile, Ethan was impatiently wondering where his family was so we could get the last photos and escape the chaos. It was not great. 

So here is a picture of Ethan getting his diploma while someone else’s name was read. The coolest part was that Ethan did a back flip as he walked across the stage. I had no idea that was coming but luckily I got video of it. 

After Ethan got his diploma I settled in with a book and enjoyed passing the time reading. It’s The Women by Kirsten Hannah and I highly recommend it. 
While we were searching for missing children, a friend snapped this picture of Ethan with his buddies he’s grown up with. Three of them are going to Utah State and one is going to BYU.

Reunited and proud of our graduate!

We had a lot of hangry boys on our hands and were thrilled to eat at Din Tai Fung where the boys devoured so many dumplings. 

This photo wasn’t staged. Henry was that excited to eat a dumpling. 
Ethan, you are growing into a good looking man and we are so excited for your future. Utah State is going to be a blast!

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