Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Getting Creative

Since all fun is still canceled and we are at that time of year when the weather keeps us inside anyway, we are digging deep trying to find things to do beside watch TV. If it were up to Landon, Parker, and Henry, they would be fine being on screens all day every day. 

One Saturday I made a plan for some mandatory fun and fresh air. My boys grumbled almost the entire time and the only thing that got them out of the car was knowing their friends were joining us. But I enjoyed the beautiful park and sunshine in spite of my screen-obsessed children. Tolt-McDonald park/campground is 20 minutes from our house and we’ve never been.  The yurts alongside the river could be a great place for a quick camping getaway this summer, if I can get anyone to go with me!

This bridge was so cool and it even swayed as we crossed it. 

On a boring Friday night I told the boys I’d take them to the store to pick out their favorite cereal without looking at the price or sugar content. They were so excited!  Landon picked Life and since it was on sale, we bought five boxes. They lasted three days. 

Cereal for dessert on a Friday night for the win!

Henry picked out sugary cereal with added marshmallows. So gross!  But he literally picked out all the marshmallows from the entire bag and never ate any cereal. I was happy to throw it away away. I’m not even a mother who cares about sugar, additives, and artificial coloring but this box was pure chemicals. 

And this picture of Ethan rocking out on the new karaoke machine just makes me happy. Occasionally I pull this out and the singing and dancing puts a smile on everyone’s faces. 

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