Wednesday, October 13, 2021

BYU Reunion

Randy's roommates from BYU decided to have a reunion in Provo and surprisingly all eight guys and their wives were able to come.  Most of the guys are from AZ and still live there so naturally we went to the BYU/ASU game as part of the reunion.  

We stayed at a cabin in Sundance, the same cabin we used to go to on dates throughout our years at BYU. By the way, there were many times the guys took dates to the cabin in the winter time when all the water/plumbing had been shut off.  Imagine arriving at a cabin on a date and finding out you can't use the bathroom unless you want to go outside in the snow!  Terrible, right?  Well, it happened and all these guys managed to get married, have kids (we have the youngest kid and one of the oldest), and have very successful careers. But can I tell you what the best part about this reunion was for me?  Getting back together with all these great guys and finding out they and their wives are still faithful in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I wondered if maybe I was the only one who was impressed by that fact but a few days later one of the guys emailed everyone to thank them for the experience and shared the same sentiment. I can only hope my boys will be so lucky to have roommates like these guys one day. 

Naturally the day before we flew out Randy realized he never booked a rental car but I saved the day with the new Turo App and found us a sweet Audi to drive around.  We were the last ones to get there so when we pulled up to the cabin on Friday evening, there was a lot of yelling, laughing, and "you haven't changed a bit!" (wink, wink) jokes.  

We went moonlight zip-lining at Sundance which was fun, scary, and made us feel old being surrounded by lots of college kids who looked like they could be our kids.  

We got back to the cabin where more reminiscing was done and then we got all tucked into bed.  Randy and I were on the bottom bunk and Shawn and Margie were on the top.  Everyone else had their own rooms but we were together and it was just like the good ol' days.  Randy and I went on countless double dates with Shawn and Margie through the years.  If I hadn't been so tired I'm sure I would have laughed myself to sleep.  

Randy and I at Shawn and Margie's wedding in San Diego 2002.  This wasn't long before Randy and I got engaged.

The next day we went on a short hike while we waited for the rain to stop before floating down Provo River.  

I was in my element with so many people to talk to.  The wives didn't know each other very well and most didn't enter the scene until after BYU days but we still had a good time and the guys thought they were just as cool as they were in college, even with their dad bods.

After the hike we rafted down the Provo River.  As soon as we got off the shuttle it started pouring rain again and we were FREEZING!  But we preserved and eventually the sun came out.  Also, Randy is the champion at steering canoes so eventually we gave our friends my paddle because they were having hard times and I just sat while Randy singlehandedly kept us in the lead while everyone else struggled.  It was hilarious.  It was an Eagle Scout win for sure. 

After a quick dinner, Randy and I went to campus to buy stuff at the bookstore.  Wow, that place was a madhouse on game day!  Stuff was flying off the shelves but Randy managed to buy enough stuff to provide a mini-Christmas to our boys when we got back.  Henry is now the proud owner of a BYU sleeping bag :)

Leaving the stadium with the BYU sleeping bag leading the way 

The game was fun and long and I'm too old to sit on stadium seats while staying up past my bedtime.  BYU won an exciting game and then we drove home with dreams of visiting BYU much more in the future as we watch Marcus play lacrosse for BYU.  Have I mentioned the BYU coach called him and wants him on the team?  All our dreams have come true!  But it feels anti-climatic because it's not official until Marcus gets accepted at BYU, which he will because the coach is making sure of it.  So after we get the official letter of acceptance in February we can officially celebrate our hardworking boy.

Here are a few pictures from the slideshow Randy made.  All I have to say is not only do we gain weight when we get old but our chins significantly increase in size and number.  

Randy in a tux with ruffles at a talent show
Randy the Hot Dog Man

Hanging out at the apartment

I had to include this one with Cheryl and me when we went to Shawn's cabin in ID.  Also, the guy on the far right is Steve Humble and he makes millions of dollars installing secret rooms/passageways in houses all around the world.  You can find him on HGTV.  

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